On April 4 the second Urban Talk on the topic “Urban Health” was held by the Green Urban Community. The discussion was moderated by the Head of the community Green Urban, Yuliya Yakupbaeva.
The participants discussed aspects of a “healthy city” and the impact of the urban environment on the quality of life and health of the population. Urban talk experts this time were not restricted to community members: representatives of the spheres of ecology and sustainable development, healthcare, the IT sector, construction and tourism were present. Representatives of NCE Atameken and quasi-state companies joined the dialogue.
“The environment in which we live has a decisive influence on the quality of life, emotions, health and actions and this is not a coincidence but a scientifically proven theory. The scientists who developed it in close collaboration with doctors named it Urban Health. A high-quality urban environment motivates residents to develop, lead healthy lives and be active, while a depressive environment shapes marginal behaviour and aggression” noted the Chairman of the Green Urban Community Yuliya Yakupbaeva.
In world practice a systematic approach to urban space development focused on health and creating various scenarios of life in a metropolis become leading indicators for the growth and development of the city.
In Kazakhstan, the Quality of Life Rating compiled by the Institute for Economic Research has become an objective cut of the assessment of the quality of life in cities.
“In 2022 our Center compiled a Quality of Life Rating in 25 cities the main purpose of which was to determine the current level of development of the regions. We took into account such factors as the level of development of business, education, healthcare, landscaping, ecology and the condition of basic infrastructure. It is worth noting that the average score for 25 cities was only 4.7 out of a possible 10 points. That is, even the leaders of the rating Astana and Almaty have space to grow,” explained Kaisar Nigmetov, Director of the Center for Regional Studies of the Institute for Economic Research JSC.
The Urban Health approach focuses on integrating health priorities into all aspects of urban governance, environmental change and spatial development in general.
“Now we live in a period when the importance of the urban environment and the role of preventive medicine are becoming a very topical issue for residents. The number of infectious diseases is decreasing, but at the same time, the load of psychological and mental health problems is increasing, which directly depends on the quality of the urban environment” said Dana Shukirbayeva, Head of the ESG KZ – consulting bureau in the field of sustainable development and territorial planning.
The panellists discussed:
– examples of the quality of urban spaces,
– the role of digitalization in planning a comfortable urban environment,
– the importance of the interaction of local authorities with citizens in the planning of green areas,
– the role of creative spaces in the re-creation of cities and territories.
Participants can continue further discussion of issues on the YouTube channel of the Green Urban Community.
As a result of the event, it was proposed to create a working group on urban space development in close cooperation between Green Urban and the Institute of Economic Research.
We thank all participants for the active discussion of the topic and look forward to all stakeholders in the development of the urban environment at our next Urban Talks!
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPPWPs6WKpA
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